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Floor Gymnastics

Join us for our acrobatic gymnastics lessons where your athlete can focus on skill building in a safe environment with Gymnastics Ontario trained staff. This program is low commitment, non-recital and great for program introduction. It is athlete led so each student will work at their own pace while getting the instruction they need. This is a 10 week program however registration will be ongoing and prorated! It's not too late to join :D If you have any questions about our classes and private lessons, please reach out via phone or email.

Floor Gymnastics (Ages 3-6)



Session 3 (Feb 12th-Apr 23RD)

Floor Gymnastics (Ages 7-10)



Session 3 (Feb 12th-Apr 23RD)

Tumbling Gymnastics (Ages 11+)



Contact Us

Check out our Camp Days, Gymnastics and our Competitive Team!

We are proud to be partnered with Gabie's Boutique!

Check out our uniform below.

Gabie's Boutique